Indonesia warns Australia against turning back asylum-seeker boats

Indonesia has raised the ante in its dispute with the Abbott government over turning back asylum-seeker boats, saying its plan puts at risk Jakarta's "close cooperation and trust". The warning came as Tony Abbot sought to reassure the Jakarta “we absolutely respect Indonesia's sovereignty and we would never do or propose anything which is contrary … Continue reading Indonesia warns Australia against turning back asylum-seeker boats

New Australian government has only one female cabinet member

It's a sad day for the nation when the cabinet of Afghanistan has more women in it than the cabinet of Australia, says acting Labor leader Chris Bowen. Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott unveiled his ministerial line up on Monday, revealing the only woman in the cabinet is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop. The outgoing Labor … Continue reading New Australian government has only one female cabinet member

Indonesia rejects Australian people-smuggler plan

Jakarta has signalled its reluctance to embrace a key plank of Tony Abbott's asylum-seeker policy, with the Indonesian Foreign Minister criticising the plan to pay villagers for information about people-smugglers, saying it risked undermining his nation's sovereignty. In a day of tension between Australia and its nearest neighbour, a policy row also erupted over foreign … Continue reading Indonesia rejects Australian people-smuggler plan

Australia’s new asylum policy hits Iranians hardest

Asylum seekers from ethnic and religious majorities in their own countries will have great difficulty establishing a valid claim for refugee status in Australia under new Rudd government policy. This will strike hardest at Iranians, currently the single largest and most troublesome component of the asylum-seeker flow. Most Afghans and Pakistanis would still pass the … Continue reading Australia’s new asylum policy hits Iranians hardest

Australian government fears conflict with Indonesia under opposition asylum policy

Australia's Opposition Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has called on Kevin Rudd to refrain from "desperate and reckless" attempts to draw Indonesia into the domestic political argument over asylum seekers when he visits later this week. Mr Rudd, who is this week due to meet Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, on Friday warned of "some sort … Continue reading Australian government fears conflict with Indonesia under opposition asylum policy

Australia hails “Bali Process” countries criminalisation of people smuggling

Foreign Minister Bob Carr has hailed an agreement by 37 Bali Process countries to criminalise people-smuggling and human-trafficking as a "huge advance". The Bali Process ministerial meeting yesterday also agreed to link with the Australian-sponsored Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Co-operation to train regional police forces to deal with people-smugglers and traffickers as trans-national criminals. … Continue reading Australia hails “Bali Process” countries criminalisation of people smuggling