Australians more concerned over jobs than asylum seekers

Australian workers are more worried about job security and the ability to pay their bills than they are about refugee policies, according to a large poll of union members. The Australian Council of Trade Unions surveyed 120,000 members over the past 14 weeks about election issues. Of those, 102,000 were asked specific questions about policy … Continue reading Australians more concerned over jobs than asylum seekers

Australia considers boot camp for young unemployed

Young job seekers would be forced into tough army-style boot camps to qualify for the dole, under an election policy being considered by the Rudd government. The Youth Start Boot Camp was tabled as a future election policy in a submission that has been leaked to Fairfax Media. It was put to the Labor government's … Continue reading Australia considers boot camp for young unemployed

Australia has failed to create indigenous mining jobs as promised

Mining magnate Andrew Forrest has demanded the government deliver on its promise to get indigenous people into jobs under his covenant. The Fortescue Metals Group chairman has warned that the nation is at a crucial point in politics where a bipartisan commitment is required to meet ambitious jobs targets. Mr Forrest was responding to an … Continue reading Australia has failed to create indigenous mining jobs as promised

Foreign workers in Australia are being rorted

If Julia Gillard and her government are serious about stopping the rorts arising from Australia's migrant worker scheme, then something will be done about the cleaning workers who have not only just lost their jobs but their entitlements too. The sad truth is that when a business goes bust Australian workers have their leave, unpaid … Continue reading Foreign workers in Australia are being rorted

Former Prime Minister praises contributions of immigrants to Australia

As Julia Gillard talks tough on foreign workers, Kevin Rudd has praised the contribution of successive generations of migrants to building the nation. Speaking to an infrastructure conference in Melbourne today, Mr Rudd said Australia would not have become the world's 12th largest economy if not for the contribution of migrants. “Our natural birth rate … Continue reading Former Prime Minister praises contributions of immigrants to Australia

Australia’s imported workers being paid less

Labor says the 457 visa program is driving down wages for Australian workers, despite its own reforms in 2009 requiring temporary skilled workers to be paid market rates. Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor made the claim today, saying temporary skilled workers on 457 visas were working for less money than Australians. “There is a decrease in … Continue reading Australia’s imported workers being paid less

Australian industry groups and unions need oversight

Through the years, I have written quite a lot about trade unions. From an economic point of view, trade unions can operate like monopolists, given their ability to institute collective boycotts against businesses by calling on workers to strike. Were it not for a specific law, such activity would be illegal. To be sure, economists … Continue reading Australian industry groups and unions need oversight

Australian government plans changes to 457 (temporary work) visa conditions

The Federal Government has announced changes to conditions for foreign workers on 457 visas (skilled temporary work). Employers will be required to demonstrate there is a genuine skills shortage, and they will not be able to send foreign workers to an area where local skilled workers are available. The Government will also close a loophole … Continue reading Australian government plans changes to 457 (temporary work) visa conditions

Australian private sector closing jobs gap as indigenous work rises

Bold policies to close the gap between black and white Australia in employment are working, with new data revealing that employment growth for Aborigines has increased dramatically, mainly in remote areas via the private sector. A paper to be released by the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University offers the … Continue reading Australian private sector closing jobs gap as indigenous work rises

July 2 2012 China Daily Mail Headlines

Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case; Foxconn plans Brazil iPad factories Posted by China Daily Mail ⋅ July 2, 2012 ⋅ Leave a Comment Apple has paid $60 million to settle a dispute in China over ownership of the iPad name, a court announced Monday, removing a potential obstacle to sales of the popular tablet … Continue reading July 2 2012 China Daily Mail Headlines

May 28 2012 China Daily Mail Headlines

China’s energy investment only for the brave Posted by China Daily Mail ⋅ May 28, 2012 ⋅ 1 Comment Private investors with the money and technology to unlock China’s vast pools of shale and coal seam gas will need strong stomachs to brave the unpredictable, unsupported and unregulated sector. China, the world’s largest energy user, signalled … Continue reading May 28 2012 China Daily Mail Headlines