More than 10,000 temporary work visa frauds in Australia

Australian Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor has declared the number of 457 visa rorts to be in excess of ten thousand and committed the government to passing legislation to crack down on the regime. Mr O'Connor placed his proposed overhaul of the 457 regime on the election agenda, saying its prominence in any campaign depended on … Continue reading More than 10,000 temporary work visa frauds in Australia

Australia to investigate one million foreign workers in fraud crackdown

The Department of Immigration will hand over the records of one million temporary visa holders to the Australian Tax Office to identify fraud and visa rorts, in a massive data-matching operation. The exercise will target the holders of 27 temporary visa types including skilled “457 visa” workers, students, backpackers and foreign sports people playing in … Continue reading Australia to investigate one million foreign workers in fraud crackdown

Australian Prime Minister’s attack on foreign workers is ‘damaging Asian strategy’

Julia Gillard's attack on foreign worker visa rorts is jeopardising Australia's global standing and risks reinforcing perceptions of racial and religious intolerance. Two of the nation's most experienced diplomats have also warned Labor that the row over 457 temporary migration visas is undermining its Asian Century strategy. Former Australian ambassador to China Geoff Raby said … Continue reading Australian Prime Minister’s attack on foreign workers is ‘damaging Asian strategy’

Australia’s imported workers being paid less

Labor says the 457 visa program is driving down wages for Australian workers, despite its own reforms in 2009 requiring temporary skilled workers to be paid market rates. Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor made the claim today, saying temporary skilled workers on 457 visas were working for less money than Australians. “There is a decrease in … Continue reading Australia’s imported workers being paid less

Australian government plans changes to 457 (temporary work) visa conditions

The Federal Government has announced changes to conditions for foreign workers on 457 visas (skilled temporary work). Employers will be required to demonstrate there is a genuine skills shortage, and they will not be able to send foreign workers to an area where local skilled workers are available. The Government will also close a loophole … Continue reading Australian government plans changes to 457 (temporary work) visa conditions