Australia will take 500 refugees from Syria

The Coalition government will set aside 500 places for Syrian refugees in response to an appeal from the United Nations Refugee agency for help accommodating the displaced Syrians. Immigration Minister Scott Morrison announced on Thursday that "a further 500" Syrian refugees will be settled in Australia in 2013-14. The places will come from within the … Continue reading Australia will take 500 refugees from Syria

Australian government stops flow of information about asylum seekers

The Australian Coalition government has shut down the flow of information on the arrival of asylum vessels and the transfer of people offshore under the military-led Operation Sovereign Borders. Despite seizing on public information to attack the Labor government for every unauthorised vessel intercepted over the last six years, newly sworn-in Immigration Minister Scott Morrison … Continue reading Australian government stops flow of information about asylum seekers

Australian opposition plans to relegate asylum seekers to military, keep numbers secret

Australians may never know how many asylum-seeker boats arrive under a Coalition government, with opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison refusing to release details about boat arrivals without the approval of a three-star general. The Coalition has previously said it would appoint a three-star military officer to command a joint taskforce, which will include some 12 … Continue reading Australian opposition plans to relegate asylum seekers to military, keep numbers secret

Papua New Guinea suspends asylum talks with Australia

Papua New Guinea has suspended discussions with Australia on the resettlement of refugees, as its most senior immigration official warned that serious breaches of the asylum-seeker undertakings could "jeopardise implementation" of Kevin Rudd's offshore solution. There are now no discussions between the Australian and PNG governments about the resettlement of refugees on Manus Island. The … Continue reading Papua New Guinea suspends asylum talks with Australia

Iran, Pakistan, Thailand snub human trafficking conference in Jakarta; Australia well represented

Iran, the largest source of boat people landing in Australia this year, has boycotted today's special regional conference on asylum-seekers and human trafficking. The Iranians' failure to appear casts further doubt on the capacity of the ministerial conference to agree on coordinated "concrete measures" for curbing asylum-seeker flows across the region. Pakistan, another major source … Continue reading Iran, Pakistan, Thailand snub human trafficking conference in Jakarta; Australia well represented

Australia ignores teenaged refugees in Indonesia until adulthood

Teenage refugees joining the so-called queue in Indonesia to apply officially for protection visas, instead of jumping on a boat, say they are being told Australia will not take them until they are 18 years old. The boys, who are stuck in limbo in Jakarta, said that even though they have been determined to be … Continue reading Australia ignores teenaged refugees in Indonesia until adulthood

Australia in breach of international human rights laws over Manus Island asylum seekers

The international refugee agency says it is ''deeply concerned'' for the asylum seekers Australia sends to Papua New Guinea's Manus Island detention centre. In its second report on the conditions on the island centre, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees says PNG is in breach of international human rights laws by detaining the asylum … Continue reading Australia in breach of international human rights laws over Manus Island asylum seekers

Australia fails on Great Barrier Reef

Australia hasn't done enough to stop UNESCO listing the Great Barrier Reef as 'in danger', a new report by conservationists says. The World Heritage Committee will meet in Cambodia this week to consider a draft decision to place the reef on its 'danger list' in 2014 unless the Queensland and federal governments clean up their … Continue reading Australia fails on Great Barrier Reef

Dolphins are victims of Australia’s most environmentally controversial project at Gladstone

Australia's most environmentally controversial project, the $33 billion expansion of Gladstone port in Queensland, is under investigation after being accused of breaching strict federal government audit conditions on harbour dredging and dumping of spoils in a World Heritage area. Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke confirmed a review was under way into whether the project had … Continue reading Dolphins are victims of Australia’s most environmentally controversial project at Gladstone

Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd back on television

Cabinet Minister Tony Burke was unceremoniously dumped from Seven's Sunrise program by email yesterday afternoon to make way for Kevin Rudd's return to the show that made him a political star. Mr Rudd faced off against his old sparring partner Joe Hockey on Sunrise this morning after agreeing early last month to resume duties with … Continue reading Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd back on television