Australia’s media regulation plan “unconstitutional”

Former Australian High Court judge Ian Callinan has produced a damning legal opinion that says aspects of the media regulation plan drawn up by former communications minister Stephen Conroy "are very arguably unlikely to be valid under the Constitution". The opinion, written jointly with Sydney barrister Caspar Conde, says the broad powers proposed for a … Continue reading Australia’s media regulation plan “unconstitutional”

Kevin Rudd is Australia’s Prime Minister again

New Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will have to recruit a ministry short of critical experience as hostile ministers close to Julia Gillard refuse to serve under him. Treasurer Wayne Swan, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy have already stepped down, as have Climate Change Minister Greg Combet and Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig. Mr Rudd will have … Continue reading Kevin Rudd is Australia’s Prime Minister again

Australian PM Julia Gillard accuses own MPs of undermining her government

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has accused members of her parliamentary team of white-anting the government, as she demanded unity from Labor MPs. The Prime Minister is understood to have today told parliamentary colleagues that she had been informed by members of the media that some within her ranks had contacted them over the summer, … Continue reading Australian PM Julia Gillard accuses own MPs of undermining her government